Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Questions for next meeting

The questions that seem unanswered include the following:
1) When will the RA Council be selected? *Is it possible to select the liaison during May Training for the following year if the council has not been selected and the Central Staff needs time to select the liaison once the RA Council has voted?
2) How will areas who do not have "enough" interest or number of RAs receive representation and be represented by a RA Council Member?
3) How often should the Council meet? Or, how should the frequency and length of time for meetings be determined?
4) What are some topics, themes, or subjects that you, as RAs, would like to be asked about or propose to the Central Staff for consideration?

Notes from last meeting

Notes from Brainstorming Session II – November 11, 2010
Patrick clarified/ provided an example for amending the Purpose of the council to include “issues relative to RA position”, yet not necessarily related to the job. The example he gave was proposing a change to payment for losing an ID card.
Decisions were made for the Liaison position:
Application/Selection processes (RA Council votes 1st and Central Staff votes 2nd).
***This means that the RA Council has been established prior to liaison is selected.
Interest-Based to avoid incentives motivating interest
Every RA is eligible to apply/submit interest (meaning, RAs in their first-year with the staff can apply)
Full year, as opposed to selecting a new liaison each semester
-select liaison during May Training for the following year. Does this make sense given that the council for the following year has not been selected yet?
       - RA Council a Pilot Council for next semester (Spring 2011).
       - Philosophy and framework of Council Meetings will be determined by the council each year.
* A possible model includes the liaison observing the council (objective) and facilitator who guides the conversation and keeps council on task.
      - Selecting Council Members
Vote per Area (1-2 per area). Main Reason: To reduce the chances of this being a popularity contest. Areas that do not have a large enough pool of RAs from which to select (due to amount of RAs in particular area or limited interest) can either merge with another area (ex: Spinner and Quarry) or areas share RA Council Members (ex: West Campus and East Campus share two RA Council Member who happen to be in West Campus).

Position/Responsibilities and Accountability
Council Determines how RAs on the council will be held accountable for failing to follow through with their responsibilities.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome to the RA council

Feel free to ask questions , post a concerns, or suggest an idea, thats what this is all about.

This is what was presented to us by central staff:

Purpose of the RA council:
-To provide RA's with a venue to express both immediate and continuous concerns relative to their position – examples of this include their role on the Residential Life Staff, Hall Communities, and RA Culture.
-Together ideas and opinions on topics or issues that Central Staff has determined “need” RA’s input.
-To generate a tangible and identifiable collective-voice without making invisible or making expendable individual perspectives.

Intended Outcomes of the RA council: 
-RA's will be able to gain a better understanding of their role within Central Staff and Residential Life.
-RA's will be able to identify concrete ways that their role within Central Staff and Residential Life exists.
-RA's will be able to experience being key players in particular decisions that affect their position and/or the greater Residential Life department

This is what we have come up with as of 11/4/10:
Notes from RA Council Brainstorm Session 
1) All RAs present were approved the proposed Purpose and Intended Outcomes. 
   *Amendment made to the Purpose for the first part to ensure that the RA Council is a venue for RAs to   discuss issues and pertinent information relative to their position and relevant to the residential experience at Champlain College. 
-Review of the history of the Senior Resident Assistant position and how RA’s have been represented at different levels in Central Staff historically.
- Review of the proposed purposes and the outcomes of the RA council, review from handout
-There was a general consensus that the proposed format was solid and that it provides a forum for concern, satisfied.
-Clarification was given concerning what the RA’s would be discussing and how that feedback would get to central staff about what needs to be changed to make the best decisions
-Questions were raised asking if the council would provide feedback for RA’s only or also a voice for residents in general, not previously thought of.  It was decided that any issues affecting Residential students should be addressed at this forum.
2) Council Membership - Appointed/Voluntary verses Selection/Elected
*We discussed the creation of the council. There were mixed feelings - from elected to appointed; 1 representative to 2 representatives per area (one "voting" position), or representatives determined by area population; yearly or per semester position (an area decision)
*We briefly discussed the Council Meetings and it was recommended that the council carve out time for residents to participate in RA Council Meetings. One of the reasons for this was to gain the voice of the residents (empower the students) and the other driving reason involves the difficulty of accurately representing "all" opinions. 
*We discussed the AD Advisor's role in the meeting. It was decided that the AD would not participate in the meeting unless their presence was requested. 
*We discussed the liaison position (a leading RA that is present during Central Staff Meetings and is neutral on issues). It was proposed to have this position be selected by both Central Staff and RA Council through an application process. Central Staff would select three applicants that they approve and submit those to the RA Council, which then selects their liaison. 

3) SGA and RA Council - It was asked, "what is the possibility of the RA Council in Senate?" This sparked a brief conversation about the RA Council having a role in the senate; representative in SGA. It was determined that this is a future goal.
Suggested that there be some sort of bridge between SGA and the RA council and the greater Champlain community, possibly a liaison position between the two
- There was a fair bit of suggestions that there should be 2 representatives from each area, with follow up that even if you weren’t on the council, involvement is encouraged
- Elected officers were asked for, within area
- Some sort of checks/balances were asked for
-Liaison position by the year and officers by the semester was proposed, no term limit
-Liaison member would be selected through a hybrid of CS and RA council.  Some sort of nomination and  confirmation process.
-Concerns were voiced that there was demand for a higher level position and compensation.  Dedication to the position is thought to be directly tied to these things.